I can't believe it is almost Fall and I haven't posted anything since June. It was a very busy summer with many older sibling of my preschoolers wanting to spend time here and my granddaughters are back to being with me on the weekends making my computer time less frequent. It was a good summer though with lots of outdoor time for water play, picking blackberries, and enjoying the warm lazy days with no stress of schedules to follow or expectations for book learning. Even the parents were happy with the "we just want to play" mode.
So what has changed since summer? Well, we have a new generation of baby land snails. Our
mud pie kitchen is almost ready to use. We moved it from a too sunny location to an area that only gets the morning sun and has more natural vegetation for the children to use in their play. We will also go on walks to find treasures to add to the kitchen. And the covered porch has been rearranged and is ready for pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, and other signs of Fall.
Since I do not follow the public school schedule the Fall curriculum won't fully kick in until about mid October or whenever it starts looking like Fall. Inside and outside we will explore nature and use the bounty of the harvest to to excite our senses in every way possible. Raw fruits and vegetables and cool meals will be replaced with the savory
smells created by the crock pot and the bread machine. As much as I love Spring I find fall exhilarating to the senses.